Private Rentals
We are offering a last minute getaway space with facilities for individual family rentals. Our newly renovated private Redekopp Cottage is available to enjoy your lakefront retreat.
Families are invited to stay for a couple days or a week so the family can enjoy some much needed time off by the lake!
Redekopp Cottage
This private cottage is designed for your home away from home. With a fully functioning kitchen, living room, sun room and large deck right on the lake, who would ever want to leave? The cottage is equipped with four bedrooms, sleeping 10 people maximum, and two bathrooms. There are two bedrooms on the main floor;
one with a queen bed and one with two sets of bunk beds. Upstairs, one bedroom has a queen bed and one has two single beds. This cottage is available year round.​
$300.00/weekend (Fri-Sun)
$125.00/week night (Sun-Thurs)
Please add GST to all fees.
Redekopp Cottage Policies & Procedures Group Policies & Procedures
All prices are subject to change**