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Candace Derksen Memorial Pool


Camp Arnes reopened after COVID-19 but unfortunately the pool was not able to reopen due to major renovations being needed to the building after it sat while our site was closed.

We look to be able to reopen the pool to serve our guests, campers and community and to uphold the memory that is associated with the Candace Derksen Memorial Pool being a part of Camp Arnes.

As we look towards plans of reopening it will be upwards of a $1.2 million dollar project!

With your help and donations we look forward to a reopening.

Donations can be made online and dedicated to the 'Candace Derksen Memorial Pool Reopening Fund' or they can be mailed in, e-transfered or dropped off at our city or onsite office; please make sure to indicate where your donation is to be directed.

Below you will find some articles from The Winnipeg Sun. January 25, 1985 regarding Candace Derksen's death and memorial.

The Winnipeg Sun. January 25, 1985


Faith sustains family By Shirley Muir

Cliff and Wilma Derksen buried their 13-year-old daughter yesterday with the support of 1,500 mourners.


"By God's hand, Candace has become a sacrificial lamb," said Dave Loewen, spokesman for the committee that organized the search for the missing girl.

With a remarkably accepting attitude - that Mayor Bill Norrie described as an example to the community - members of the Mennonite Brethren Church praised God, offered forgiveness for Candace's murdered and thanked the police, public and media for their help.

"This event has brought into focus both the worst and the best of Winnipeg.. while evil has run it's course, good has triumphed," Loewen said.

Rev. John, Epp echoed the same thought in his sermon.

"Whatever evil befell Candace it will not have the last word in her life, God's peace is the last word," Epp said.


The entire congregation maintained its composure during most of the service but was moved to tears when Candace's favourite tune "Friends Are Friends Forever" was played over the intercom.

More than 100 people braved the blowing snow and freezing temperatures to join the Derksen Family at graveside.


'Memorial fund to help build pool for camp'

The Candace Derksen Memorial Fund was kicked off yesterday with $3,000.00 collected at the teenager's funeral.

Tables were set up in the church hallway before and after the service and mourners lined up to contribute.

The fund will be used to fulfill Candace's dream of a pool at Camp Arnes where she spent the last two summers.

Candace's father Cliff Derkesen addressed the congregation at yesterday's funeral and told them about his daughter's dream of a pool at the camp.

"Candace loved to swim and it was our Saturday night swim times that drew us together as a family. Candace also loved Camp Arnes and made some key life decisions there," he said.

Derksen, who is a public relations officer for the camp, said the family would appreciate it if the public expressed their sympathy by making her dream come true.

One of the fund organizers, Len DeFehr, said the cost of the pool will depend if the board of directors decides to build an indoor pool or an outdoor pool.


The Winnipeg Sun. January 25, 1985


Donation Options
- Online (click above) - Mail: Camp Arnes           Box 28009 RPO North Kildonan           Winnipeg, MB  R2G 4E9 - E-transfer: - Drop Off: City Office - 50 Furniture Park                Onsite Office: 121 121 PR222, Arnes, MB

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